PICASO Designer PRO 250

PICASO 3D 3d printers
(5) / (0 Reviews)

Description of the 3D printer "PICASO Designer PRO 250"

The PICASO Designer PRO 250 is a new product from Picaso 3D. The new PRO 250 version is equipped with a new extruder with dual material feed and two nozzles, allowing for a quick switch between materials. The build area volume is 200x200x210 mm. The device can print combinations of ABS plastic, soluble in acetone, and polystyrene, soluble in limonene, or PLA and water-soluble PVA. Among the possible materials for printing are Elastic rubber imitator, nylon, ABS copolymer and polycarbonate, and PETF.

About the "PICASO Designer PRO 250" printer

The latest model DESIGNER PRO 250 is an improvement of the successful PICASO 3D Designer model.

The main feature of DESIGNER PRO 250 is the ability to print with two materials, as well as the application of the latest JetSwitch technology. Designer PRO 250 allows to significantly expand the application boundaries of personal 3D printers. There are no longer any limitations on the complexity and geometry of printing!

Designer PRO 250 is equipped with a closed housing, automatic table calibration, and an interactive display. The company's engineers have further increased the rigidity of the structure by using steel elements in critical nodes. What truly makes Designer PRO 250 special is the JetSwitch technology, which transforms this desktop 3D printer into a professional tool.

JETSWITCH - a completely new approach to 3D printing with two materials!

JetSwitch is an instantaneous switch between materials. There is no longer a need to wait for the second material to reach operating parameters.

JetSwitch means always clean printing. No more "inclusions" of the second material in the layers of the first material.

JetSwitch allows printing across the entire platform area without increasing the size of the 3D printer.

JetSwitch is economical printing. There is no longer a need to build "walls" around the model when changing material.

The full potential of DESIGNER PRO 250 is revealed when printing complex models. Creating support from soluble materials eliminates the need for manual post-processing of the model and allows achieving the construction of models that were previously unavailable for desktop 3D printers.

Combinations of ABS+HIPS and PLA+PVA open up new possibilities for 3D printing. There is also the possibility of using Nylon, ASA and ABS/PC to create super durable and elastic parts, and PET for semi-transparent ones.

Reviews and feedback from owners

  • The Picasso printer has arrived:View
  • Review of the 3D printer Picaso 3D Designer PRO250:View
ManufacturerPICASO 3D
Technical Specifications
Printing TechnologyFused Deposition Modeling (FDM/FFF)
Number of printheads2
Build Area, mm200x200x210
Printing Speedup to 30 cm3/h
PlatformWith heating
InterfacesUSB, Card Reader
Display Yes
Printing colorMonochrome
Types of materialsPlastic
MaterialsABS plastic
PLA plastic
PC plastic
Filament diameter, mm1.75
Support materialsPVA, HIPS
Sizes, mm450x390x350
Weight, kg14

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  • John Doe Jan 05, 2022 - 8:52 am
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