
Aconity3d 3d printers
(5) / (0 Reviews)

Description of the 3D printer "AconityMINI"

AconityMINI is an additive laser system for printing metallic powders at the entry level with a build area diameter of Ø140 mm, optionally reducible to Ø55 mm, and full access to adjust all key parameters. The equipment is designed for materials science research and rapid small-scale production. The sealed chamber ensures high purity of the inert gas atmosphere with residual oxygen content of less than 100 parts per million. Thanks to an efficient recirculation system, it is possible to work with highly active materials that have increased welding fume emissions. Additional functionality includes an optional preheating system for consumables up to a maximum temperature of 800°C, process monitoring, and a vacuum chamber. AconitySTUDIO software provides the ability for remote management via a web interface.

Technical specifications
Printing TechnologyDirect Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
Build Area, mmØ140x190 or Ø55x190
Layer Thickness, mm0.01
Power/Type of Laser200/400 W
Types of MaterialsMetal
MaterialsMetallic Powders
Size, mm2450x1500x2320
Weight, kg85
Additional parameters
Number of lasers:1
Optical configuration and spot size:F-Theta (30-50 μm), 3D scanning (80-500 μm)
Monitoring means:coaxial pyrometer, coaxial high-speed CMOS camera
Preheating temperature/working volume:500°C / Ø140x130 mm, 800°C / Ø100x130 mm
Maximum scanning speed:12 m/s
Inert gas and pressure:argon 4.6 (5.92 atm), nitrogen (5.92 atm)
Inert gas consumption:less than 5 l/min during printing, less than 30 l/min during purging
Residual oxygen content:less than 100 ppm
Pressure in the optional vacuum chamber:0.000986 atm

After reviewing the technical specifications and capabilities of the AconityMINI 3D printer, it is evident that it is a highly versatile and advanced system suitable for materials research and small-scale production. The range of materials it can work with, along with its comprehensive monitoring and control features, make it a valuable tool for additive manufacturing applications.

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  • John Doe Jan 05, 2022 - 8:52 am
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